Brexit – Information for ASL customers

We face the possible event that the United Kingdom will leave the European Union by the end of October 2019.
This will affect shipments from and to the UK and delays are to be expected. Reasons are amongst others that a higher percentage of shipments has to be processed by customs authorities and that European shippers might switch to Air Freight to avoid border controls.
We expect delays particularly for shipments that do not move into the UK directly or out of the UK directly but via continental Europe. For example if Sea Freight shipments are unloaded in Rotterdam and then forwarded to the UK via truck and ferry:
- Fiscal representation in continental Europe will no longer be possible for goods to the UK. Instead, a transit procedure must be opened.
- The expected problems in Calais/Dover will cause delays in the delivery of goods to the UK.
- Incoterms for subsequent deliveries from the EU to the UK may also have to be converted if necessary, as costs for customs clearance have to be included
Therefore we strongly suggest to ship directly to the UK whenever possible, at least for some time following the Brexit until things clear up. In addition to that, you can also find a “Brexit checklist” here.